
The Memorial Benches Initiative was made possible by the following individuals and organizations who dedicated their time and efforts towards making this a reality.

Financial Sponsors

The UVA Parents Fund enhances the student experience through annual gifts from parents of current and former students. Directed by the UVA Parents Committee, the Parents Fund supports student clubs and cultural events, academic enhancement programs and career services, health and wellness initiatives, and class dinners and traditions that enrich student life across Grounds.

The Division for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is deeply committed to enhancing the wellbeing, safety and success of all UVA faculty, students, staff, alumni, visitors and our neighbors. We achieve our mission through the coordinated and collective impact of the Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights; the Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; and the Center for Community Partnerships.

The Maxine Platzer Lynn Women’s Center aspires to embody leadership concerned with the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong. This approach calls them to nurture a brave environment that empowers all of us – staff, interns, clients – to teach and learn from each other. Its community supports the growth that comes from stretching comfort levels, taking on stewardship responsibilities, and engaging in difficult conversations.

The Inclusive Excellence Grant funds proposals that demonstrate the potential to achieve the strategies and goals identified in an area’s Inclusive Excellence plan across all areas of functioning, or those contributing to the initiatives outlined to support inclusive excellence by the racial equity task force.

The following are organizations or institutions whose financial contributions made the Memorial Benches Initiative possible in no particular order:

Individual Contributions

The following are individuals whose time and efforts made the Memorial Benches Initiative possible in no particular order:

Meghan Faulkner

Kevin McDonald

Rachel Spraker

Catalina Esguerra

Robert Berry

Sneha Patel

James Bland

Bree Knick

Justin Thompson

Rebecca Leonard

Bo Greenwood

Mark Stanis

Anna Towns

Anna Patchias

Ilyas Saltani

Abby Palko

Louis Nelson

Valerie Lawson

Mandi Crisp

Gregory Driscoll

Kelli Craddock

Meara Habashi

Matthew Weber

Helen Wilson

Ashley Schmidt

Logan Botts

Nettie Webb

Mary Hughes

Emma Terry

Vicki Gist

Alexander Kitchin

Claudrena Harold

Jessica Harris

Jannatul Pramanik

Nicole Sherman

James Ryan

Ian Baucom

Vilas Annavarapu

Theresa Carroll

Victoria Tucker

Julia Lee

Frank Dukes

Kirt von Daacke

Mark Luellen

Facilities and Management Signage and General Services